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questo ross non so dove porterà la disney, ma secondo me da nessuna parte particolarmente entusiasmante....sono molto avvilito. le cose sembravano andare un po' meglio, ma adesso ho paura che si ritorni in un altro periodo buio tutto dedito al marketing e all'omologazione.... sad.gif

Il film è stato ripreso!!!

Da Empire Online:

David Fincher Dives Into 20,000 Leagues
He’s sailing with Captain Nemo

Source: Heat Vision Blog
David Fincher Dives Into 20,000 Leagues

A few months ago, Disney decided to torpedo McG’s plan to make a new version of Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, and it was largely thought that the heroic Captain Nemo and iconic submarine the Nautilus would remain sunk at the bottom of the development ocean. Well, now comes a surprising twist: David Fincher is aiming to raise it back up into production.

It’s a little bit out of leftfield for several reasons. Fincher isn’t exactly the person we’d have guessed would want to tackle a big-budget action studio adventure and you wouldn’t naturally think of the genius behind Fight Club and Zodiac as the Mouse House’s first choice for such a film. How things change! Fincher has been stretching himself with ambitious fare like Benjamin Button and is busy finishing up birth-of-Facebook drama The Social Network.

The director apparently approached Disney production boss Sean Bailey about making a big tentpole film, and now the studio has put him together with Bourne Ultimatum co-writer Scott Z Burns to figure out a fresh take.

For extra irony, one of the reasons the Disney bosses sunk McG’s $150 million take was that it came off as a little dark. And though very little has been heard about it since that happened, they’ve remained very keen to get it afloat once again.

So now Fincher and Burns will figure out what they want to do with the sea-going scientist and his powerful submersible, with early word from the Heat Vision Blog pointing to a Star Wars/Empire Strikes Back style adventure with a strong visual palette.

Next week: Brett Ratner announces that he’ll make a $250,000 budgeted, one-set version of an obscure Swedish play that chronicles one horse’s struggle with the nature of existence. Well, reality’s got to balance itself out somehow.
Posto la traduzione in italiano di Badtaste:

Sarà nientemeno che David Fincher a dirigere il nuovo 20.000 Leghe Sotto i Mari, dopo che la Disney lo ha tolto dalle mani di McG alcuni mesi fa: il film sarà "visivamente incredibile, come Guerre Stellari"...

Quando qualche mese fa vi annunciammo che la Walt Disney Pictures aveva fermato la pre-produzione di Captain Nemo: 20,000 Leghe Sotto i Mari, il kolossal di McG che doveva entrare in produzione nei primi mesi del 2010 per arrivare al cinema nell'estate 2011, sapevamo tutti che la major non avrebbe rinunciato al progetto.

E infatti scopriamo che nientemeno che David Fincher è stato assunto dalla compagnia per rilanciare la produzione dell'action movie. Il regista ha sviluppato una versione tutta nuova del film, assieme allo sceneggiatore di Bourne Ultimatum Scott Z. Burns: si tratterà di un kolossal "visivamente incredibile, sull'onda dell'Impero Colpisce Ancora o Guerre Stellari": a quanto pare non avrà niente a che vedere con lo script dark e cupo del progetto iniziale, scritto da Bill Marsilli e riscritto da Justin Marks e Randall Wallace.

A quanto pare - ed è incredibile che la cosa sia rimasta segreta così a lungo - Fincher è stato avvicinato dal produttore Sean Bailey alcune settimane dopo la sospensione del film di McG, quindi mesi fa. Il progetto è stato sviluppato quasi di nascosto, ed è stato reso pubblico solo dopo che tutti gli accordi sono stati ufficializzati.

La sceneggiatura verrà stesa nelle prossime settimane, l'idea è che Fincher giri il film solo dopo aver realizzato un altro film probabilmente di dimensioni minori (quindi non inizierà a girare prima della fine del 2011), magari il remake di Uomini che Odiano le Donne.
Notizia fenomenale.Mi ha sempre intrigato il progetto, e con Fincher alla guida sono convinto che verrà fuori qualcosa di ottimo!
meno male dai smile.gif almeno qualcosa l'hanno ripescata smile.gif

Dal sito Spinoff.comicbookresources:

David Fincher Confirmed For Disney’s 20,000 Leagues Remake

If anything good came out of yesterday’s news that Jon Favreau has passed on Iron Man 3, it’s this: confirmation that David Fincher is directing the remake of Disney’s classic 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Although reports of Fincher’s involvement first emerged as far back as May, there had been no verification until yesterday, when the Los Angeles Times spoke with Favreau about his decision to depart Marvel’s successful Iron Man franchise for Disney’s family fantasy-adventure Magic Kingdom.

In the article, Favreau and Disney confirmed that Fincher (Fight Club, The Social Network) will direct the adaptation of the Jules Verne classic that inspired the landmark 1954 movie — it was Disney’s first science-fiction film — and the popular theme-park attraction. Presumably, Fincher will tackle 20,000 Leagues after he completes his adaptation of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Scott Z. Burns (The Bourne Ultimatum, The Informant!) is writing the screenplay.

In addition to Fincher’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Favreau’s Magic Kingdom, Disney is developing a movie based on its Haunted Mansion attraction, to be co-written, produced and possibly directed by Guillermo del Toro. Given the runaway success of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, who can blame them?
Bene, grazie veu!
Scrooge McDuck
Che bello, mi ero perso questa notizia del ripescaggio!!!! Io ultimamente amo alla follia gli ultimi film di Fincher quindi non posso che esserne entusiasta!!
Zio Paperone
Dopo Burton,Del Toro,Raimi ora Fincher manca solo che la Disney strappa Nolan!!!!!!!!!!! clapclap.gif clapclap.gif clapclap.gif clapclap.gif clapclap.gif clapclap.gif
fantastica idea,sarà un gran successo !
Dal sito / Film:

David Fincher Says ‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea’ Likely to Be 70% CG

At an Actors Studio Q&A at the Swedish Film Institute, David Fincher was asked by /Film reader Viktor J about his possible interest in doing a motion-capture or performance-capture film. The director said:

"I would love to to something like that. I would love to do something probably more like Avatar than Tintin. I like the idea of something that is a little more… complicated. (chuckles) I love the idea of a ‘cartoon’, but I would like it to be sort of very, very dense. And, in fact, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea will be probably 70% CG. [...] I love motion capture and think it’s only in its infancy, and eventually there won’t be a difference between motion capture and acting. because that’s all motion capture is, is being able to capture acting."

Traduzione in estrema sintesi: il film, come confermato dal regista stesso, sarà probabilmente al 70% in CGI.
Speriamo che ne esca una bella cosa!
quanta cgi!!!
Sono molto curioso di vedere questo film! Sto leggendo il libro originale di Verne è lo sto assolutamente amando! Innamorato.gif
20.000 Leghe Sotto i Mari sarà solo ispirato al romanzo

Dal 1907, anno in cui Georges Méliès diresse il cortometraggio 20000 Lieues sous les mers, sono stati numerosi gli adattamenti cinematografici e televisivi del classico di Jules Verne 20.000 Leghe Sotto i Mari. Quello cronologicamente più recente vede coinvolti, al momento solo sulla carta, David Fincher (Se7en, The Social Network) in cabina di regia e Scott Z. Burns (The Bourne Ultimatum, Contagion) in qualità di sceneggiatore.

A dire il vero, non si sa quasi nulla sullo status di questo progetto. Tanto Fincher quanto Burns sono molto coinvolti dai loro rispettivi impegni: il regista è alle prese con la lavorazione del suo Millennium: Uomini che Odiano le Donne, mentre lo sceneggiatore sta viaggiando in lungo e in largo per gli impegni stampa collegati a Contagion.
Cinema Blend ha però avuto l'opportunità di ottenere alcune informazioni da Scott Z. Burns sull'adattamento di 20.000 Leghe Sotto i Mari.

Burns ha rivelato che la tabella di marcia del film è simile a quella di The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (pellicola di Steven Soderbergh dalla quale George Clooney si è appena affrancato), le cui riprese dovrebbero partire durante la prossima primavera. Questa nuova versione cinematografica della leggendaria opera di Verne richiede, stando alle parole dello sceneggiatore, un ingente lavoro di pre-produzione che deve ancora essere cominciato.

A causa della monumentale mole di pre-visualizzazione che David dovrebbe fare, non saremo in grado di dare il via ai lavori e alle riprese almeno per un altro po' di tempo. Senza considerare che attualmente è completamente assorbito dagli impegni di Uomini che Odiano le Donne. Per adesso li ho scritti entrambi (The Man from U.N.C.L.E. e 20.000 Leghe Sotto i Mari, ndr.). Sono tutti e due in attesa di avere un cast e di poter finalmente partire con la produzione.
Il film sarà un grande blockbuster di ampio respiro che differirà alquanto dalla storia tratteggiata a suo tempo dallo scrittore francese. Burns afferma:

Il mio lavoro non consiste nel trasformare un libro in un film, ma nell'essere ispirato da un libro e poi dare forma ad un lungometraggio.

Ispirazione che, a quanto pare, arriverà dai tre personaggi principali del romanzo, il Capitano Nemo, il biologo marino Pierre Aronnax e il fiociniere Ned Land.

David ed io abbiamo una bella idea per la relazione fra Nemo, Aronnax e Land. E' quello che vogliamo esplorare. E ritengo che sia molto attinente allo spirito del romanzo.

Quello che resta da vedere è se un film come 20.000 Leghe Sotto i Mari, decisamente poco in linea con la filmografia di un regista come David Fincher, possa davvero trovare spazio nell'agenda del filmmaker di Denver. Non è assurdo pronosticare che in caso Millennium: Uomini che Odiano le Donne ottenga un botteghino favorevole (cosa assolutamente plausibile data la caratura del nome di David Fincher e l'abilità dei piani marketing della Sony), tanto il regista, quanto la produzione potrebbero avere tutto l'interesse a proseguire gli adattamenti degli altri due romanzi di Stieg Larsson, La Ragazza che Giocava con il Fuoco e La Regina dei Castelli di Carta.

Fonte: Badtaste
Scrooge McDuck
Ahhhhhhhhhh.......Fincher che dirige un kolossal Disney......ancora non mi sembra vero Innamorato.gif
Scott Z. Burns parla di 20.000 leghe sotto i mari

Ed è già pronto anche lo script di 20000 leghe sotto i mari, nuova trasposizione del celebre romanzo di Jules Verne che David Fincher dirigerà per la Disney. Ecco come, nelle parole dello sceneggiatore, il progetto è venuto alla luce:

20000 leghe è venuto fuori perchè io e David stavamo cercando qualcosa di molto difficile da realizzare insieme e io volevo fare qualcosa di fantascientifico con lui. Penso infatti che la fantascienza sia forse il più eccitante banco di lavoro al momento. (...) E quindi è accaduto, David e io amiamo entrambi 20000 leghe da quando siamo giovani. Era uno dei miei libri preferiti. Quindi David è venuto da me e mi ha detto che Sean Bailey lo aveva contattato per realizzare 20000 leghe per la Disney, e io gli ho risposto che mi sarebbe piaciuto farlo. Quindi ci siamo incontrati con Sean che è stato davvero grande e ci ha detto: venite alla Disney e proviamo a realizzare una versione davvero fantastica di questa storia classica!

La storia verrà narrata dal punto di vista del Capitano Nemo, anche se ciò non comporterà necessariamente il racconto delle origini del personaggio come precedentemente pianificato.

Il Capitano Nemo è un uomo che all'interno della storia può essere identificato come qualcuno avanti rispetto ai suoi tempi sia in termini di intelligenza sia in termini di azioni compiute. Era un rivoluzionario secondo vari aspetti ed è un personaggio sia buono che cattivo. Mi piacciono questi personaggi moralmente complicati.

Fonte: Badtaste
News da Badtaste:

Lo sceneggiatore di Se7en per ventimila leghe sotto i mari

Torna a far parlare di sè il remake di Ventimila Leghe sotto i Mari, il film che David Fincher sta sviluppando ormai da diverso tempo per la Walt Disney Pictures.

La compagnia ha infatti ingaggiato Andrew Kevin Walker per riscrivere la sceneggiatura: si tratta di una vera reunion per Fincher e Walker, quest'ultimo è stato infatti lo sceneggiatore del cult Se7en. Non solo: ha scritto anche Il Mistero di Sleepy Hollow e The Wolfman.

Precedentemente Scott Z. Burns aveva lavorato allo script del film, che ambisce a reinventare la celebre storia del Capitano Nemo protagonista, peraltro, di uno dei primissimo lungometraggi in live action della Disney (1954). L'ingresso di un nuovo sceneggiatore dimostra da un lato che i produttori stanno lavorando ancora al film nonostante le scarse notizie dei mesi scorsi, dall'altro che la sceneggiatura non è ancora pronta e che difficilmente questo sarà il prossimo progetto di Fincher, impegnato, tra le altre cose, anche in un film su Cleopatra e nel potenziale sequel di Uomini che Odiano le Donne (dovesse aver successo).
David Fincher aggiorna sui prossimi progetti

Un remake più recente è quello di Ventimila Leghe sotto i Mari per la Disney, che Andrew Kevin Walker sta riscrivendo su una base scritta da Scott Z. Burns:

Stiamo cercando di trovare una sceneggiatura che soddisfi tutti quanti. Sapete, è un film davvero complicato perché verrà girato in 3D, costerà 200 milioni di dollari e sarà ambientato sott'acqua. In un film come questo è facile sforare di 75 milioni di dollari nel budget. Le cose si complicano con il fatto che sarà ambientato sott'acqua: il 3D è difficile da gestire con tutti i riflessi subacquei.

Il regista ha già parlato con James Cameron per approfondire proprio questo tema, ma a quanto pare la cosa che lo interessa di più di questo film è il taglio fanta/storico:

La cosa che mi interessa di più è il fatto che si tratta di un film fantascientifico ambientato cinque anni dopo la Guerra Civile. Mi intriga la domanda "Che aspetto ha la fantascienza vista dagli occhi di una persona 120 anni fa?"

Nessuno di questi progetti, comunque, sembra avere un futuro chiarissimo, anche perché al momento Fincher si sta preparando all'idea di girare i sequel di Uomini che Odiano le Donne per la Sony.

Fonte: Badtaste
Tempo tre mesi e si deciderà se il film entrerà in produzione o meno...forse con Brad Pitt al timone wink.gif

Da Variety

Fincher scopes out Brad Pitt for '20,000 Leagues'

By Jeff Sneider, Justin Kroll

With David Fincher still awaiting Steve Zaillian's script for "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" sequel, the helmer is looking to hoist his adaptation of Jules Verne's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" off the ocean floor at Disney.

Sources tell Variety that the studio has placed a three-month hold on the filmmaker as it decides whether to move forward with the project, which has stayed under the sonar ever since Fincher tapped his "Se7en" scribe Andrew Kevin Walker to rewrite the script back in November 2011. Pic has not yet received a greenlight.

Meanwhile, the conversation has turned to casting, with sources telling Variety that Fincher is courting his frequent collaborator Brad Pitt to star as sailor and master harpooner Ned Land. Kirk Douglas played the character in the 1954 original that was the only science fiction film produced by Walt Disney himself. An older A-List star would likely play iconic literary anti-hero Captain Nemo.

Disney had no comment, while Pitt's rep told Variety that he isn't committed to anything right now and continues to explore possibilities for next year, though the rep didn't deny that "20,000 Leagues" may be among them.

It's true that Pitt has no firm commitments outside of an attachment to James Gray's "The Gray Man," which has been in development for several years. Outside of voice roles in the animated pics "MegaMind" and "Happy Feet 2," Pitt is coming off a string of adult movies including "The Tree of Life" and "Moneyball" as well as violent upcoming pics "Killing Them Softly," "World War Z" and Ridley Scott's "The Counselor."

Pitt previously worked with Fincher on "Se7en," "Fight Club" and "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." Thesp, who recently wrapped a small role in Steve McQueen's "Twelve Years a Slave," is repped by CAA and Brillstein Entertainment Partners
Zio Paperone
No per favore Brad Pitt no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cry.gif cry.gif cry.gif
Per carità e come George Cloney quando si è prestato Bruce Wayne il peggior Batman mai visto sullo schermo sick.gif sick.gif sick.gif
Vedrei molto meglio Robert Downey Jr
WOW fantastico!!
Scrooge McDuck
Fincher e Brad insieme hanno dato vita a quello che è uno dei miei film preferiti, quindi non posso che esserne elettrizzato da questa eventualità smile.gif

Però avevo capito che Brad Pitt si ritirava dalla carriera a breve!
David Fincher Courting Brad Pitt for 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA as Disney Weighs Greenlight Decision
by Adam Chitwood Posted: October 18th, 2012 at 4:25 pm

After the one-two punch of The Social Network and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, director David Fincher has taken his time in choosing his next feature project. He helmed the first couple of episodes of the new Netflix series House of Cards with Kevin Spacey, but with modest box office returns on Dragon Tattoo the follow-up adaptation has been slow-going. Fincher has a number of options on his plate at the moment, but he’s been pretty passionate about getting his 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea remake off the ground for the past couple of years.

Now it looks like there’s finally some movement on 20,000 Leagues, as Fincher is courting frequent collaborator Brad Pitt to lead the project as sailor Ned Land while Disney decides whether to greenlight the film. Hit the jump for more details.

Variety reports that, while Fincher waits for a draft of the The Girl Who Played with Fire script by Steven Zaillian, Disney has put a three-month hold on the filmmaker to see if 20,000 Leagues can get off the ground. The project doesn’t yet have a greenlight, but Disney is now deciding whether to move forward with the redo as they work on a budget. They’ve asked Fincher (who’s anxious to direct again) to hold off on pursuing other projects in the meantime. The conversation has turned to casting, and the director is looking to put Pitt in the role of Ned Land, who was played by Kirk Douglas in the original 1954 adaptation of the Jules Verne novel. An older A-lister will likely play the story’s anti-hero Captain Nemo.

Pitt is taking some time to mull over his future projects as he finishes up reshoots on World War Z and work on Ridley Scott’s The Counselor, so his schedule is pretty open at the moment. He and Fincher are longtime friends, so I wouldn’t be shocked if the deal went through making this their fourth film together after Seven, Fight Club, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Last we heard on 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Fincher had brought on Seven scribe Andrew Kevin Walker to do some rewrite work on Scott Z. Burns’ script. He has long stated that the film would be shot in 3D and probably 70% comprised of CG, so it’s no small undertaking. Fincher is one of the truly great filmmakers working today, and I can’t help but feel a little giddy at the prospect of him bringing to life a big-budget adventure remake of 20,000 Leagues. Hopefully we hear more firm word soon as Disney mulls over the project, but I’m all for a re-team of Pitt and Fincher.
Ragazzi, dita incrociate!!!!
Pare che Brad Pitt sia interessato al progetto!!

Brad Pitt Says He’d Love to Reteam with David Fincher on 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA
by Adam Chitwood Posted: November 28th, 2012 at 10:26 am

Those hoping for another Brad Pitt/David Fincher collaboration in the near future have reason to keep their fingers crossed. Fincher has been developing a big-budget remake of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea at Disney for quite some time, and last month we reported that the Mouse House was set to take a close look at the project for greenlight consideration while Fincher was courting Pitt for a lead role. Now Pitt himself has spoken up about the prospect, and he sounds enthusiastic about teaming up with his Fight Club director for a fourth time. Hit the jump to see what he had to say.

Speaking with MTV, Pitt was asked if he would be joining Fincher’s 20,000 Leagues redo:

“I’d love to I mean, he’s my man. He’s got a great take on it. That’s just gonna be about schedule and time allocation, but he’s my man.”

It’s no secret that Pitt and Fincher are close friends, and I’m fascinated by the prospect of Fincher taking on a large-scale adventure project. The director previously stated that the film would be shot in 3D and would probably 70% comprised of CG, and the role that Fincher has earmarked for Pitt is apparently that of Ned Land who was played by Kirk Douglas in the 1954 adaptation. Seven scribe Andrew Kevin Walker penned the most recent draft of the script, so should scheduling work out with Pitt this would make for a fun reunion of sorts from the team behind the serial killer classic.

Pitt is finishing up reshoots on World War Z at the moment but currently isn’t firmly attached to anything for his next project. I imagine the scheduling also depends on what Angelina Jolie has coming up, but I sincerely hope things come together for this one.

Check out the video interview with MTV below, which is a great watch.

Cosa aspetta la Disney a dare l'OK?? Regista, sceneggiatore e attore di Seven, una storia nota, nuovo approccio, tanta CGI... sulla carta è un successo assicurato!
Incrocio anche le dita dei piedi! pray.gif
e Angelina e figli sicuramente metteranno una buona parola, perchè si sono trovati semplicemente da Dio a lavorare con la Disney sul set di Maleficent...coccolati e viziati smile.gif ...non mi sorprenderei se qualcuno di loro figurasse anche in questo film wink.gif ...

Lo sceneggiatore Scott Z. Burns - in occasione della promozione del suo ultimo lavoro Side Effects - ha aggiornato sullo sviluppo di 20.000 Leghe Sotto i Mari, progetto a cui David Fincher è legato da anni, svelando che la situazione al momento è piuttosto in certa:

Non so a che punto siano, ma lo script è fantastico, ho adorato il libro. Credo di aver fatto un bel lavoro assieme a David. Ammetto però di aver fatto qualche passo falso, costringendo David a ingaggiare Andrew Kevin per dare una sistemata, ma non ho ancora letto la sua stesura. Parliamo pur sempre di chi ha scritto Se7en, dopo tutto! Sean mi ha detto di esserne molto soddisfatto. Credo che al momento David sia impegnato a decidere il budget del film. Da grande fan del cinema, adorerei vedere Fincher alle prese con un progetto di tale portata, sarebbe meraviglioso

L'Australia vuole offrire ricchi incentivi alla Disney per accaparrarsi le riprese del film; la Disney risponde che è pronta a partire con la pre-produzione appena questi incentivi saranno certi.

Australia Boosts Incentive To Lure Disney’s ‘20,000 Leagues Under The Sea’

Arts Minister Simon Crean has told Disney executives he hopes to finalize a $12.2 million payment to persuade the studio to shoot David Fincher’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Down Under. At a meeting in Canberra today Crean told Tony To, Disney Exec VP Production, he aimed to make an offer within two weeks after he secures the support of the Queensland and NSW Governments. Disney has said the film is ready to go into pre-production once the incentive is firm. Crean’s spokesman tells Deadline the government is looking at a one-off payment that would bring the 16.5% location offset to 30%, as it did to secure The Wolverine to Sydney. Disney would utilize the Village Roadshow Studios on the Gold Coast and locations in Sydney. Locations marketing agency Ausfilm has been lobbying the government to hike the rebate to 30% permanently to offset the strong Oz dollar versus the greenback and to be competitive with other destinations. Apart from The Wolverine and The Great Gatsby (technically an Australian production), big budget Hollywood fare has bypassed Australia in the past couple of years.
non voglio rischiare di perdere soldi ...
Scrooge McDuck
Bhe per quanto mi riguarda se nel progetto resta legato Fincher, l'importante è che se ne continui a parlare. Poi possono girarlo anche in capo al mondo o dietro casa, basta che lo facciano e che lui sia il regista!!!!!!!!!!
Da BadTaste:
Dopo l'aggiornamento di ieri relativo a 20.000 Leghe Sotto i Mari di David Fincher incentrato sull'abbandono del progetto - cui comunque non era ancora ufficialmente collegato - da parte di Brad Pitt e sul fatto che la Disney potrebbe risparmiare una considerevole cifra grazie agli sgravi fiscali offerti dal governo australiano se il film verrà girato da quelle parti, The Playlist riporta un rumor decisamente interessante sul possibile rimpiazzo dell'attore di Fight Club e di World War Z.

Fra i vari attori che il filmmaker starebbe prendendo in considerazione, ci sarebbe anche quello del sempre più lanciato Channing Tatum (21 Jump Street, Magic Mike).

Naturalmente, si tratta di una voce ancora priva di qualsiasi conferma, quindi, come da prassi, continueremo a tenervi aggiornati in merito...
Pare che Pitt sia fuori dai giochi:
David Fincher Looking at Channing Tatum to Possibly Star in 20,000 LEAGUES as Brad Pitt Passes; Might Not Direct HOUSE OF CARDS Season 2
by Adam Chitwood Posted: February 15th, 2013 at 2:07 pm

Fans of David Fincher have been itching to see a new feature film from the director since 2011’s release of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and we received a fairly promising update on his potential next project just yesterday. The filmmaker has been developing a big-budget remake of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea for quite some time with an eye towards making it his next film, and yesterday we learned that Disney is being wooed by a major tax credit to shoot the film in Australia this year. Though Fincher was hoping to nab frequent collaborator Brad Pitt as his star, the actor had yet to officially sign on to the project.

Now a new report has surfaced with plenty of updates on all things Fincher, including word that he’s looking at a number of actors—including Channing Tatum—to possibly lead 20,000 Leagues given that Pitt has passed, that he may have to push production on the remake back to next year and film something else in the interim, and the possibility that he might not helm any of season two of the Netflix series House of Cards. Hit the jump to read on.

This bounty of Fincher updates comes courtesy of the good folks over at The Playlist. Apparently Brad Pitt has now officially passed on 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (he recently said he had to figure out his schedule before committing to the film), but the pic is reportedly “essentially greenlit.” With the budgetary situation set, Fincher has now run into a different sort of problem: all the actors he wants are not available to shoot until next year. The report mentions Channing Tatum as one of the names that Fincher may or may not be looking at, which makes sense given that the filmmaker’s buddy Steven Soderbergh is quite fond of the guy.

Fincher is now said to be weighing his options. He can either go ahead and film 20,000 Leagues this year with a different set of actors, or he can push it back to 2014 and try to shoot something else in the meantime. He recently signed on to helm an adaptation of the bestselling thriller novel Gone Girl so that’s a possibility, though The Playlist notes that Gone Girl could be a heavy enough commitment that it bumps 20,000 entirely off his schedule, which would be a drag since he’s already spent so long developing the remake.

The sequel to Dragon Tattoo is another possibility, but Fincher has yet to officially commit to that project and Steven Zaillian’s screenplay is apparently in need of a heavy rewrite before production can move forward. Personally, I’m hoping Fincher can round up an impressive cast for 20,000 Leagues and get that thing going sooner rather than later. I’m eager to see what a large-scale 3D adventure film from the mind of Fincher looks like, and 20,000 Leagues seems to be a match made in heaven for the meticulous filmmaker.

The report also has a note regarding Fincher’s stellar Netflix series House of Cards. The show was picked up for two full seasons, and following the immense success of the recently-released first season, production on the next set of episodes is gearing up to begin in March. However, it looks as though Fincher might not be returning to direct one of the new installments. He helmed the first two episodes of season one, but apparently after seeing the other impressive group of filmmakers finish out the rest of the season without a drop in quality, he feels like the show is in good hands.

He hasn’t made a firm decision one way or the other just yet, and if 20,000 Leagues get pushed I imagine he’d be able to find the time to direct at least one episode, so I’m hoping he makes his way back to House of Cards for at least one more go-around.

With some pretty big decisions being weighed at the moment, hopefully we heard solid word on Fincher’s near-future plans soon. For now, enjoy the excellent Justin Timblerake music video for “Suit & Tie” that he recently directed by clicking here.
pare che le possibilità di vedere un giorno il film diventino sempre più certe...

Oz Government Gives Disney $22.5M To Lure ’20,000 Leagues’ Shoot To Australia

By THE DEADLINE TEAM | Tuesday April 2, 2013 @ 2:38am PDT
Tags: 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, Australia, Disney

In the largest inducement it’s ever offered to a Hollywood production, the Australian government has confirmed it will give Disney a one-off payment of $22.5M to shoot 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea: Captain Nemo in Oz. Sources tell Deadline the greenlight on the David Fincher film is still contingent on casting, but it is expected that Fox Studios in Sydney and Village Roadshow Studios in Queensland will share hosting of the production. Disney executives had asked the federal, New South Wales and Queensland governments for subsidies which would effectively lift the 16.5% location rebate to 30%, similar to the $12.8M payment by the federal government which persuaded Fox to shoot The Wolverine in Sydney. 20,000 Leagues, which is budgeted at about $150M, could create up to 2,000 jobs, the government said. Last month, the government provided $20M in new funding to attract international productions and said it was committed to raising the location rebate if the Oz dollar remains high, but it did not set a time.
E' una realtà, il film si farà smile.gif ecco la conferma


David Fincher's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Confirmed for Australian Shoot
Source: Gillard Government
April 2, 2013

Back in February, it was reported that Australia was offering Disney and David Fincher's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea tax incentives to shoot down under. The Australian government has now confirmed the film will indeed shoot there. Here's the announcement:

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Arts Minister Tony Burke today announced The Walt Disney Studios film 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea will join a growing list of blockbuster productions filmed in Australia.

While casting decisions are still to be made and locations are yet to be finalised, the filming of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea will give Australian talent the opportunity to work with some of the best screen professionals in the business – both in front of the cameras and behind the scenes.

To attract the film to Australia, the Gillard Government will grant the producers a one-off payment of $21.6 million which will result in substantial new investment in Australia and could create up to 2,000 jobs.

On the back of the launch of Creative Australia, the new national cultural policy, the securing of this film is a huge coup for the Australian film industry and for the near 1,000 local businesses that will be providing goods and services for the film.

Through Creative Australia, the Gillard Government committed a further $20 million in new funding to attract international production to Australia and a commitment to increase the rate of the Location Offset should the Australian dollar remain high.

The announcement comes just after The Wolverine, starring Hugh Jackman, recently wrapped filming in Sydney. The Wolverine, which created over 1750 jobs and contracted more than 1027 Australian companies, generated $80 million of investment and has reaffirmed Australia’s status as one of the world’s best filming destinations.

It also demonstrates that Gillard Government investment in the arts to drive local and national economic growth works and reflects the strong and ongoing support for the local screen industry by the Gillard Government.
Io aspetterei a esultare Day... sad.gif tutti i siti riportano questa notizia DESUMENDO il greenlight del film... Deadline è l'unica che lo specifica:

the Australian government has confirmed it will give Disney a one-off payment of $22.5M to shoot 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea: Captain Nemo in Oz. Sources tell Deadline the greenlight on the David Fincher film is still contingent on casting, but it is expected that Fox Studios in Sydney and Village Roadshow Studios in Queensland will share hosting of the production

Insomma... sicuro sicuro non è... e anche se lo fosse dubito che lo vedremo prima del 2016. Il 2014 è troppo vicino e il 2015 già ha i Pirati, avengers 2 e star wars 7. Ovvio che tutto può accadere eh...
A me l'unica cosa che interessa davvero è che sia Fincher a dirigerlo.
Scrooge McDuck
CITAZIONE (Scissorhands @ 2/4/2013, 21:53) *
A me l'unica cosa che interessa davvero è che sia Fincher a dirigerlo.

Concordo totalmente!!!
CITAZIONE (Scissorhands @ 2/4/2013, 21:53) *
... e anche se lo fosse dubito che lo vedremo prima del 2016. Il 2014 è troppo vicino e il 2015 già ha i Pirati, avengers 2 e star wars 7

beh stando così le cose posso tranquillamente aspettare...Il 2015 è off-limits, e il 2014 ovviamente improponibile per questioni di tempo...Il 2016 auspicabile (col sequel di Oz pray.gif pray.gif ) ...
Visto che la Disney non è riuscita a trovare un attore protagonista soddisfacente, le riprese, che dovevano iniziare il mese prossimo, sono rinviate al 2014. sad.gif

20,000 Leagues film remake stalled, no Brad

Disney has reportedly put production on the remake of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, to be filmed in Australia, on the backburner.

Filming was to begin in Sydney next month but a spokeswoman for Disney has told News Ltd that production won't start until 2014.

It's understood the delay is due to casting issues after Brad Pitt passed on the lead role of Ned Land.

In April, the federal government earmarked $21.6 million for the science-fiction classic to be remade in Australia.

Leagues Lagging...

It appears the Nautilus has been delayed from submerging again...

David Fincher's remake/reinterpretation of the classic Walt Disney Picture: "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" has hit another snag. The current plan was to start shooting the picture down under late summer/fall of this year, but now the production has been pushed back until 2014. The postponing of shooting means that the film would now likely get a late 2015/early 2016 release if the production doesn't experience another delay.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports the Mouse has decided to put off production since casting issues have resulted in no desirable actor to play the lead, Ned Land. Brad Pitt was being courted by Fincher, but he eventually decided to pass on the part. Reports that the part was being offered to Channing Tatum has not resulted in any commitments (thankfully, yeck).

The production has encountered several delays, but was supposed to be the directors next film following "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", but Fincher has several other films he's connected to. If the schedule slips further he could board the helming duties of several properties. Hopefully they'll get a lead that assuages the fears of Alan Horn and his Disney Suits and the green light will be given

This project has been waterlogged for too long...
Zio Paperone
Ma Fincher è confermato o no?
La notizia è vecchia di qualche giorno, forse a causa del Comic-Con è passata sotto silenzio...


David Fincher's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is dead in the water!

Sorry for the headline, I had to. Though you may have already expected it, David Fincher is off 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA and it is no longer in development.

Now that doesn't mean that we won't ever see it pop up again. It's just off the table for now according to The Playlist. The project was constantly delayed due to the fact that they couldn't tie anyone down for the lead and other issues. A couple of months ago there were reports that Disney and Fincher got funding for the film giving promise then news came that it had been pushed again since Pitt had passed on the leading role. The studio had looked at Matt Damon and Daniel Craig for roles but neither wanted to be away from their families on a 140 day production. Fincher had suggested Channing Tatum then the studio shot it down because they wanted someone they knew could carry a big budget like this one especially with all the risks. Disney wanted Liam Hemsworth but Fincher had already moved on.
CITAZIONE (Beast @ 22/7/2013, 12:26) *
La notizia è vecchia di qualche giorno, forse a causa del Comic-Con è passata sotto silenzio...


David Fincher's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is dead in the water!

Sorry for the headline, I had to. Though you may have already expected it, David Fincher is off 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA and it is no longer in development.

Now that doesn't mean that we won't ever see it pop up again. It's just off the table for now according to The Playlist. The project was constantly delayed due to the fact that they couldn't tie anyone down for the lead and other issues. A couple of months ago there were reports that Disney and Fincher got funding for the film giving promise then news came that it had been pushed again since Pitt had passed on the leading role. The studio had looked at Matt Damon and Daniel Craig for roles but neither wanted to be away from their families on a 140 day production. Fincher had suggested Channing Tatum then the studio shot it down because they wanted someone they knew could carry a big budget like this one especially with all the risks. Disney wanted Liam Hemsworth but Fincher had already moved on.

Oh ma che sorpresa... nessuno proprio se lo aspettava dry.gif ...
dopo il ranger poi... che buuuuffa coincidenza
Scrooge McDuck
Io non ci credevo tanto in questo progetto, però adoro Fincher (penso di averlo scritto in ogni post di questo topic) e mi spiace che la Disney se lo lasci sfuggire :/
Fra X
Il film del 54 è godibile, ma secondo me si discosta troppo dal romanzo. Peccato poi che non ci siano episodi come la visita ad Atlantide e la conquista del polo. sbaglio o la figura di Nemo è ancora più ambigua e tormentata? Comunque dal punto di vista tecnico nulla da eccepire! Dopo 60 anni è ancora al top da questo punto di vista!
Mi hanno fatto prendere un colpo... peccato che pare abbiano capito male.
La Disney chiederebbe al governo australiano incentivi per un film (come fece per 20000 leghe)... è più probabile però che le stia chiedendo per Pirates 5 sad.gif

20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA Resurrected? Disney Eyeing Potential Early 2015 Production Start for Remake [Updated]
by Adam Chitwood Posted 20 hours ago
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One of the most promising projects of the past decade may have new life, though whether it still resembles its former iteration is unclear. Filmmaker David Fincher had been developing a remake of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea at Disney for years, and it finally looked like he was ready to tackle the project after the back-to-back productions The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. He worked hard to make the film happen, but his vision for an epic, adventurous retelling necessitated a massive budget from Disney, which in turn necessitated a bankable star in the lead. Fincher approached his pal Brad Pitt, but he opted to make Fury instead. Then Matt Damon and Daniel Craig were considered, but neither wanted to leave their families for a lengthy shoot in Australia. Even Channing Tatum was a possibility.
Last summer, after Fincher committed to Gone Girl has his next picture, word came that 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was officially dead. However, it appears that the film may yet have life, as Disney is in negotiations with the Australian government for tax incentives that would pave the way for an early 2015 shoot on 20,000 Leagues. [Update: It's possible that Disney may actually be trying to use the pre-approved incentive for 20,000 Leagues on the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean 5. More after the jump.]
Update: A commenter hipped us to this Syndey Morning Herald story in which it is surmised that the initial report claiming that Disney was negotiating for a tax incentive to shoot 20,000 Leagues in early 2015 was mistaken, and that Disney is actually looking to put the incentive towards Pirates of the Caribbean 5. This makes more sense, as Pirates 5 has a pair of directors and a 2017 release date. Our original story follows below.
20000-leagues-under-the-sea-posterTHR reports that Disney is asking the Australian government to increase its tax incentives in an effort to secure what’s planned to be the biggest film shoot in Australia’s history, adding that filming on 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is planned to get underway in early 2015. Disney had a previous agreement with Australia that secured a $21.6 million incentive for 20,000 Leagues when Fincher was in active development, but the government has since changed and Disney was afraid they wouldn’t honor the previous agreement. In these current negotiations, Disney is now asking for an increase to 30% of the film’s budget to shoot 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in Australia.
This is an incredibly curious piece of news since we haven’t heard a single word about 20,000 Leagues since it was rendered “dead” after Fincher left. As he’s finishing up Gone Girl and looking for his next project, has he now returned to 20,000 Leagues? Is Disney moving forward without Fincher and on the hunt for a new director? These questions remain unanswered, as THR’s report simply focuses on Disney’s negotiations with the Australian government.
I’m selfishly hoping that Disney and Fincher came to some agreement that would see him back onboard 20,000 Leagues (I’m dying to see what Fincher can do with an adventure story told on a massive scale), but that may be too optimistic. What’s more likely is that Disney is moving ahead on a new iteration of the project without Fincher’s involvement. From a business perspective, it makes sense that Disney would want to capitalize on the 20,000 Leagues brand and Australia tax incentive with or without Fincher, so I’m very curious to see where things go from here. Hopefully more light is shed on this situation soon.

Da BadTaste

Nell’aprile del 2013 sembrava tutto pronto a partire: dopo i grossi incentivi fiscali assicurati alla Disney dal governo australiano, le riprese di 20.000 Leghe sotto i Mari per la regia di David Fincher erano ad un passo dall’ottenere il via libera.

Mancavano solo gli attori: un dato relativamente trascurabile se non si fosse trattato di una produzione da 200 milioni di dollari a cui la Disney avrebbe datto il “greenlight” a patto che potesse puntare su un nome di grande spicco.

David Fincher, impegnato a promuovere L’Amore Bugiardo – Gone Girl, si è pronunciato sulla questione:

Il budget si aggirava attorno ai $200 milioni, perciò in questi casi tutte le case di produzione manifestano la loro ansia e la loro cultura tipicamente corporativa. Una volta stilata la lista di attori per diversi personaggi nel film, una volta che uno o due nomi cominciarono a tranquillizzarli, iniziò questa bizzarra spedizione alla ricerca di tre nomi che messi insieme potessero rappresentare una gallina dalle uova d’oro.

Sia il regista che la major puntavano a Brad Pitt, ma l’attore diede forfait per altri impegni professionali. Fu poi il caso di Chris Hemsworth e Channing Tatum, ma non si riuscì a trovare un accordo. Fincher ha approfondito la questione spiegando che:

Volevo che Aronnax fosse francese, per l’amore del cielo! A un certo punto divenne tutto troppo confuso. Ricordo di aver discusso con un produttore esecutivo dello studio che mi chiese: “Come mai gli attori stanno sempre dalla tua parte anche se siamo noi a pagarli?”. Io risposi: “Forse perchè sanno che, dopo tutto, la mia sola fedeltà è nei confronti del film”.

Credo che quando cerchi di mettere insieme una massa di persone per rappresentare tutte le sfaccettature dell’umanità, deve essere necessariamente al servizio della narrazione e non al servizio del bilancio. Divenne molto difficile soddisfare le esigenze corporative della Disney usando i nomi che volevano loro. Io volevo solamente assicurarmi di poter lavorare con persone in gamba, senza preoccuparmi se fossero o meno famose in Giappone.

Non è la prima volta che il regista dimostra di essere piuttosto irremovibile quando si tratta di casting: la battaglia vinta con la Sony su Rooney Mara in Millennium: Uomini che Odiano le Donne la dice lunga, ma visti gli esiti dello scontro con la Disney pare decisamente difficile che 20.000 Leghe sotto i Mari di Fincher veda la luce del grande schermo.
Ma questa notiziona vi è passata inosservata?
Come dico sempre: nulla muore in Disney, e come l'araba fenice ecco a voi...

Bryan Singer Plans to Direct ‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea’


SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 | 12:38PM PT
Dave McNary
Film Reporter
“X-Men” director Bryan Singer plans to direct a movie version of Jules Verne’s “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” from his own script.

He posted the script on his Instagram on Thursday, but it is not set up yet at a studio. Verne’s 1870 novel has been made into a variety of films, most notably in Disney’s 1954 version starring James Mason and Kirk Douglas.

“It’s my 50th birthday (ouch), and I just put the finishing touches on the script for my next film. A story I’ve wanted to retell since childhood,” the director wrote.

SEE MORE:Bryan Singer to Develop Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Documentary (EXCLUSIVE)

“I promise this will be an epic and emotional adventure for all ages! An adventure very dear to my heart. Not abandoning the #xmen universe. Very excited about #xmenapocalypse and beyond. #julesverne #20000leaguesunderthesea #nemo,” he added.

Singer said in June that a crossover between the “X-Men” and Fantastic Four franchises could happen, depending on the success of “X-Men: Apocalypse” and the “Fantastic Four” reboot, but the latter underperformed at the box office.

Singer directed last year’s “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” which grossed $748 million worldwide, and is in production on the sequel “X-Men: Apocalypse,” which opens May 27.
Scrooge McDuck
CITAZIONE (Scissorhands @ 28/9/2015, 0:19) *
Bryan Singer Plans to Direct ‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

mellow.gif mellow.gif

Ma.... ma.... ma.... QUEL BRYAN SINGER!?!?!?!?! post-6-1111346575.gif w00t.gif clapclap.gif clapclap.gif clapclap.gif
Avevo letto la notizia, ma non si dice esplicitamente che sia un progetto collegato alla Disney. Anzi, secondo l'articolo lo script non sarebbe ancora legato ad alcuno studio.
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