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> Pirati dei Caraibi 6 (Reboot), Walt Disney Pictures
Under the sea
messaggio 3/12/2021, 14:05
Messaggio #49

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Io ero convinto fossero lo stesso progetto...
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messaggio 3/12/2021, 21:30
Messaggio #50

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Sì, fanno un gran can can di pettegolezzi, ricordo anch'io che sembrava che i progetti a un certo punto si fondessero; sembra non si sappia che direzione prendere blink.gif
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messaggio 4/12/2021, 19:32
Messaggio #51

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ma infatti c'è tanta confusione... un po' i due progetti sono confluiti in uno, poi un po' si parla di una serie per Disney + che non c'entra nulla con i due progetti e un po' si dice che sono due progetti distinti ... ora pare che il progetto con la Robbie sia per il cinema mentre questo è invece per Disney +, e allora sarà solo un film? o una serie tv? chissà

comunque secondo noi dovrebbero richiamare Depp, Knightley e Bloom (e il figlio Thwaites)... sono loro i perni dei Pirati ... o fanno una cosa tutta differente... ma allora è uno spin off... non si capisce più niente a dire il vero

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messaggio 21/4/2022, 18:00
Messaggio #52

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Da BadTaste

Johnny Depp accusa la Disney di aver tagliato i ponti con lui “per sicurezza” e ribadisce l’addio a Jack Sparrow

Come riporta Variety, durante il suo secondo giorno di deposizione nel processo per diffamazione contro Amber Heard, Johnny Depp è stato chiamato a parlare del franchise di Pirati dei Caraibi, chiarendo il suo rapporto con la Disney.
Obiettivo del processo è dimostrare che il pezzo pubblicato da Amber Heard sul Washington Post a proposito della violenza domestica ha avuto un effettivo impatto sulla carriera dell’attore, a partire da un ruolo per cui l’attore è particolarmente celebre.
Nella giornata di ieri, Depp ha sostenuto di aver perso a tutti gli effetti il ruolo di Jack Sparrow pochi giorni dopo la pubblicazione del pezzo in questione. Come noto, dopo l’uscita del quinto film della saga la Disney ha messo in cantiere due nuovi progetti, tra cu uno ambientato nello stesso mondo della saga principale, ma con protagonista Margot Robbie. Interrogato sullo stato del sesto film della saga, l’attore ha spiegato che a quanto gli risulta il film è in “fase di stallo“.

Durante il controinterrogatorio, il legale di Heard ha fato notare all’attore un articolo del Daily Mail risalente a ottobre 2018 (due mesi prima della pubblicazione del pezzo dell’attrice) intitolato “Nascondi il rum! Johnny Depp FUORI dal ruolo di Jack Sparrow nel franchise Disney di Pirati dei Caraibi mentre l’attore affronta problemi economici e drammi personali“.
La risposta di Depp è stata allora la seguente:
Non ne ero al corrente, ma non mi sorprende. Erano già passati due anni di conversazioni costanti in tutto il mondo su quanto fossi un picchiatore coniugale. Sono certo che la Disney stesse cercando di tagliare i ponti per sicurezza. Il movimento #MeToo era in pieno fermento a quel punto.
Ha però fatto notare che nonostante il desiderio di prendere le distanze da lui, scartando la possibilità di un sesto film, la compagnia non ha mai fatto un vero e proprio dietrofront:

Non hanno rimosso il mio personaggio dalle attrazioni, non hanno smesso di vendere bambole del Capitano Jack Sparrow, non hanno smesso di vendere nulla.
Ciò che sostiene l’attore è quindi che il pezzo di Heard sia stato determinante:
Sarei un vero babbeo se pensassi che le parole della signora Heard non abbiano avuto un effetto sulla mia carriera, con il mio nome o senza.
La difesa proverà a dimostrare che non ci sono margini per una condanna per diffamazione visto che il nome dell’attore non viene fatto nel pezzo. Depp ha ribattuto che visto che l’articolo è stato pubblicato nel 2018 e che Heard ha scritto: “Due anni fa sono diventata una figura pubblica a rappresentanza della violenza domestica“, non può esserci ambiguità nelle parole dell’attrice. Il 2016 è proprio l’anno in cui Heard ha chiesto un ordine restrittivo dopo aver denunciato l’attore di violenza domestica.

Ha poi sostenuto che la sua carriera era già finita “nel secondo esatto che sono arrivate le accuse contro di me“:
Ho perso non appena è successo. Non importa quale sia il risultato di questo processo, è un fardello che mi porterò per il resto dei miei giorni… le sto facendo causa per diffamazione e per le svariate falsità che ha detto sul mio conto per porre fine alla mia vita.
Il controinterrogatorio si è concluso con il legale di Heard che ha sottolineato il contenuto di una dichiarazione giurata di Depp a proposito del suo rapporto con la Disney e Pirati dei Caraibi:
Posso dire in tutta onestà che oggi come oggi, alla luce di tutto, se mi offrissero 300 milioni di dollari e un milione di alpaca, niente al mondo mi indurrebbe a tornare a lavorare con la Disney a un film di Pirati dei Caraibi.
“È tutto vero, signor Rottenborn” ha concluso Depp.

Il processo alla presenza di Depp ricomincerà oggi pomeriggio, mentre alla sbarra prossimamente sarà il turno di Amber Heard.
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messaggio 21/4/2022, 22:29
Messaggio #53

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Il processo tra Amber Heard e Jonny Depp sembra la sceneggiatura ideale di una serie tv alla Pam & Tommy... Che dopo loro faranno Amber & Jonny?

comunque crediamo che sia ormai terminata l'era di Depp ai Pirati... chissà come faranno il nuovo film... che possano trarre ispirazione dalla serie tv anni 90 italiana "Caraibi" con Anna Falchi? qualcuno l'aveva vista? era la serie dei due fratelli separati per anni e la Falchi interpretava la spietata piratessa Aurigemma... sappiamo che in molti Stati del mondo è stata venduta come serie bootled dei Pirati dei Caraibi (il titolo inglese di Caraibi è Pirates: Blood Brothers)...
in tutta onestà però speriamo che la Robbie nella nuova saga dei Pirati abbia un ruolo decisamente migliore rispetto a quello dato alla Falchi in Caraibi... forse l'idea di una pirata donna al giorno d'oggi è l'idea vincente...

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messaggio 22/4/2022, 8:12
Messaggio #54

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Lo vidi Caraibi e la cosa che ancora ricordo e mi inquietava era la sfregiata Anna Falchi, che aveva accettato quel personaggio. Direi che comunque fosse andato, il ruolo lo aveva centrato.
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messaggio 22/4/2022, 22:44
Messaggio #55

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Caraibi andò in onda una domenica di gennaio 1999 in prima serata e si scontrò con la prima stagione del Medico in famiglia che era la novità del tempo, così venne considerato un flop da Canale 5 (anche se di fatto fece 4 milioni e mezzo nella prima serata, cosa che non erano pochi all'epoca, e soprattutto aveva tolto spettatori al Medico in famiglia mentre altri prodotti erano state vittime della sitcom di Raiuno) così fu cancellato dalla prima serata e andò in onda al sabato pomeriggio su Canale 5, senza alcuna pubblicità che confermasse il passaggio ... tant'è che noi avevamo perso la puntata 2 e l'avevamo ripresa dalla puntata 3 ma ormai parte della storia non si capiva più
la Falchi nel ruolo della sfregiata Livia Cornero/Aurigemma era molto efficace... è vero che la preferivamo come principessa delle favole (forse per i suoi tratti e per il fatto che vederla cattiva ci lasciava un po' inquieti, l'abbiamo sempre vista un'emblema delle principesse) però anche in Caraibi aveva centrato il personaggio...
il problema di Caraibi secondo noi è un po' nel registro del film... forse avrebbe potuto essere realizzato diversamente a livello di scrittura, ma va riconosciuto che è stato l'unico tentativo di portare in scena una serie avventurosa per ragazzi, non è andata ed è stato un peccato perché avrebbe potuto essere un filone interessante da seguire...

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messaggio 15/5/2022, 19:07
Messaggio #56

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Dal sito The Disinsider:

Producer Jerry Bruckheimer Confirms They Are Developing Two ’Pirates of the Caribbean’ Movies

Its been five years since Disney release date Pirates of the Caribbean movie. The franchise is still one of the best in Hollywood history and with all the Johnny Depp drama, the question remains what is next for the franchise?

While speaking with The Sunday Times, producer Jerry Bruckheimer revealed that they are still in development on not one, but two Pirates of the Caribbean movies. One with superstar Margot Robbie (The Suicide Squad), whose deal might not be finalized yet, and one without. “Yes. We’re talking to Margot Robbie. we are developing two Pirates scripts — one with her, one without.”

In 2018, Deadpool and Zombieland 2: Double Tap writers Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese, were originally brought on to write the sixth installment but dropped out months later. Then, Chornobyl creator, Craig Mazin was brought on to write the script alongside Ted Elliot, who wrote the previous Pirates films. This is likely one of the projects Bruckheimer is referring to.

Bumblebee writer, Christina Hodson has penned the screenplay for the Robbie-led project. which would be separate from the Pirates of the Caribbean reboot from Mazin and Elliot. That said, both films are expected to be in the same universe ala the MCU.

While both film projects remain in development, a fun piece of information I shared on The DisInsider Show during our “Rumor of the Week” segment, is that Disney has put a Pirates of the Caribbean Disney+ on the drawing board and are in very early development stages. At this time, I don’t have any further information on this project as it is still in the early stages. I would definitely expect further updates on the franchise this September at Disney’s D23 Expo.

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messaggio 15/5/2022, 20:28
Messaggio #57

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Cioè, oltre ai due film sarebbe in progetto un terzo per Disney+? E spedirne uno dei due, quello della Robbie magari per Disney+, no? Rischiano parecchio la saturazione e poi davvero il pubblico desidera ancora POTC? Io addirittura temo un bel tonfo per il sequel di Avatar, a me quel teaser non ha trasmesso niente, ho pensato al primo film, quasi fosse un vecchio cimelio cinematografico.
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messaggio 28/5/2022, 21:26
Messaggio #58

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Dal sito The Disinsider:

Brenton Thwaites Open to a ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ Return

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales was the fifth installment of the hit franchise. The film saw the introduction of Henry Turner played by Brenton Thwaites, and while the film ended with his character freeing his father, Will Turner, a post-credit scene featuring Davy Jones has left fans clamoring for more.

While speaking with the Cosmic Circus at Motor City Comic Con, Thwaites revealed that he would certainly be open to returning for a sixth film, whether or not it’s a follow-up to his last movie or being a part of the Margot Robbie-led spin-off, three projects are currently in development at Disney.

“Oh, that’ll be interesting…that’ll be interesting. Yeah, I think he could play! I think there’s a way to fit him in there if it’s the right time period, right? If they… you know if they’re 100 years before or after, certainly not. But if it’s the right thing, and they want me in there, I’ll be there.” When asked, Brenton Thwaites pitched his perfect sixth Pirates movie, “My dream cast for a number six would be the same cast as number five. (laughs) But you know it’s a cool property, and that world has so much excitement to it. I think whoever does number six is just gonna knock it out of the park. It’s gonna be awesome.”

The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise is one of the most financially successful of all time, led by Johnny Depp’s iconic Jack Sparrow, alongside Orlando Bloom as Will Turner, Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swan, and Sparrow’s frenemy, Geoffrey Rush’s Hector Barbosa. The five films have grossed over $4.5 billion at the worldwide box office. The last movie Dead Men Tell No Tales ended up making $794.1M worldwide for the studio, dominating the Memorial Day weekend in 2017.

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messaggio 1/6/2022, 20:44
Messaggio #59

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E fu così che Johnny forse ritorna...

Da BadTaste

Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard, il verdetto: Depp vince la causa per diffamazione

Dopo settimane di processo, tra deposizioni, interrogatori, testimonianze e prove, arriva l’epilogo di Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard, dopo la causa per diffamazione intentata dalla star di Pirati dei Caraibi contro l’ex moglie.
L’attore, ricordiamo, aveva citato in giudizio l’attrice per la somma di 50 milioni di dollari per un articolo pubblicato sul Washington Post e intitolato “Amber Heard: Ho parlato di violenza sessuale e ho fatto i conti con l’ira della nostra cultura. Serve un cambiamento”.
Dopo circa due giorni di confronto, una giuria presieduta da sette componenti ha stabilito che Depp ha vinto la causa e Heard dovrà risarcirlo di 15 milioni di dollari. Per quanto concerne la contro-querela del valore di 100 milioni di dollari, la giuria ha deliberato a favore dell’attrice soltanto per uno dei tre capi d’accusa, perciò il risarcimento dei danni nel caso di Heard sarà di 2 milioni di dollari.
Mentre Amber Heard si è presentata in tribunale per il verdetto, Johnny Depp ha dato forfait a causa di “altri impegni di carattere professionale” visto che al momento si trova nel Regno Unito.
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messaggio 1/6/2022, 22:42
Messaggio #60

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dopo questa vittoria la Disney (e la Warner) si inginocchieranno per chiedergli di tornare nei loro franchise (Pirati e Animali Fantastici)? e la Heard sarà cacciata da Acquaman? vedremo che ne sarà
comunque entrambi hanno fatto una figuraccia al processo... si sono rovinati la reputazione...
ci aspettiamo una serie alla Pam & Tommy... un Amber & Johnny a quando?

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messaggio 1/6/2022, 23:51
Messaggio #61

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Da: Pisa

Si, credo faranno sicuramente qualcosa, già c'è il doc live del processo... È stato veramente molto seguito.

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messaggio 3/6/2022, 20:09
Messaggio #62

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Da BadTaste

Johnny Depp tornerà nei panni di Jack Sparrow? Un ex dirigente della Disney pensa di sì

[...] People Magazine riporta – ovviamente in forma anonima – l’opinione di un ex dirigente della Disney che si dice convinto del fatto che la star tornerà a interpretare Jack Sparrow in un nuovo film della saga.
Sono assolutamente convinto che, dopo questo verdetto, la saga di Pirati sia pronta per il riavvio con Johnny nei panni del Capitan Jack. C’è un potenziale al box-office troppo grande per questo personaggio che è così intimamente radicato nella cultura Disney. Con Jerry Bruckheimer (il produttore della saga di Pirati dei Caraibi, ndr.) attualmente sulla cresta dell’onda grazie al successo di Top Gun: Maverick con Tom Cruise c’è un grande appetito nel riportare delle redditizie star hollywoodiane in questi franchise così estremamente popolari.
Ovviamente, malgrado le richieste fatte da People, la Disney non ha voluto commentare ufficialmente la cosa.
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messaggio 5/6/2022, 19:50
Messaggio #63

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...e comunque le scene di Amber Heard nel seguito di Aquaman sono state cancellate. La cancel culture fa sempre male, gli americani sono capaci di cancellarti dalla loro vita in un attimo, io lo trovo allucinante; comunque siano le colpe dell'attrice, che in Aquaman interpreta un ruolo, diciamocelo bene, e pure manco di primo livello, che potrebbero danneggiare il film.
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messaggio 5/6/2022, 21:18
Messaggio #64

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Da: Barletta

CITAZIONE (Daydreamer @ 5/6/2022, 20:50) *
...e comunque le scene di Amber Heard nel seguito di Aquaman sono state cancellate. La cancel culture fa sempre male, gli americani sono capaci di cancellarti dalla loro vita in un attimo, io lo trovo allucinante; comunque siano le colpe dell'attrice, che in Aquaman interpreta un ruolo, diciamocelo bene, e pure manco di primo livello, che potrebbero danneggiare il film.

Ma perché non hanno semplicemente sostituito l'attrice?

Messaggio modificato da GayFairytale il 5/6/2022, 21:19
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messaggio 5/6/2022, 23:25
Messaggio #65

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ma infatti... potevano mettere la Johansson o la Clarke per il ruolo...

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messaggio 14/6/2022, 22:30
Messaggio #66

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CITAZIONE (GayFairytale @ 5/6/2022, 22:18) *
Ma perché non hanno semplicemente sostituito l'attrice?

Mi sa che sta per accadere:

Fonte: Just Jared
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messaggio 27/6/2022, 21:55
Messaggio #67

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Iscritto il: 27/8/2005

Torna Johnny Depp ai Pirati dei Caraibi!!!

Dal sito New York Post:

Johnny Depp could reprise Captain Jack ‘Pirates’ role with $301M deal: report

To tweak a legendary line from Johnny Depp’s best-known franchise: “This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost canceled Captain Jack Sparrow.”

Embattled actor Johnny Depp is rumored to be getting paid more than $300 million to return to “Pirates of the Caribbean,” after getting unceremoniously dumped from the franchise in 2018 amid abuse allegations by ex Amber Heard. A source close to Disney allegedly dropped the bombshell in a new interview with Aussie outlet Poptopic.

“The deal is reportedly for Johnny Depp to return as Jack Sparrow,” the little leaking birdie claimed to the Down Under entertainment website.

The 59-year-old “Donnie Brasco” star had played the swashbuckling buccaneer in five
“Pirates” movies over the last 19 years, before Disney dropped him from the sixth and final installment in the wake of 36-year-old Heard’s 2018 Washington Post op-ed which Depp claimed defamed him as a domestic abuser. This reportedly caused the “Edward Scissorhands” icon to lose out on a $22.5 million payday.

However, following Depp’s highly publicized defamation suit win earlier this month, it appears that the House of Mouse could be willing to reinstate him in the iconic role.

“Disney are very interested in patching up their relationship with Johnny Depp,” the source alleged to Poptopic. “They reached out to the actor prior to his defamation trial against Amber Heard and asked whether he would be interested in returning for another ‘Pirates’ film or two.”

Per the E! network, a source connected to actor reportedly told NBC News that “this is made up” — but reps for Depp and Disney have yet to respond to The Post’s request for confirmation.

Meanwhile, the rumored comeback deal, which is allegedly worth a cool $301 million, would reportedly see Depp “return as Jack Sparrow in ‘Pirates of the Caribbean 6’ and a spin-off Disney+ series about the early life of the Captain of the Black Pearl,” per the source.

“What I can tell you is that the studio has already penned up a draft for a film about Jack Sparrow, so they are very hopeful that Johnny will forgive them and return as his iconic character,” the source claimed.

The new development comes after an unnamed Disney executive hinted at the “Finding Neverland” actor donning Sparrow’s tricorn hat again following his defamation trial win.

“I absolutely believe post-verdict that ‘Pirates’ is primed for rebooting with Johnny as Capt. Jack back on board,” the source said in an interview with People magazine earlier this month. “There is just too much potential box-office treasure for a beloved character deeply embedded in the Disney culture,” they added.

Depp was awarded more than $10 million in his defamation case against Heard earlier this month. A jury in Fairfax, Virginia, found Heard liable for defaming Depp. The jury also found Heard was defamed by one of Depp’s lawyers but only awarded her $2 million in damages.

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messaggio 22/8/2022, 13:54
Messaggio #68

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Iscritto il: 27/8/2005

Dal sito Comic Book:

Next Pirates of the Caribbean Movie Is Bringing Back One of Original Writers According to Jerry Bruckheimer

Pirates of the Caribbean producer Jerry Bruckheimer says that one of the series' original writers is coming back for the next movie.'s Chris Killian spoke to him for Top Gun: Maverick and they had to address getting back on the seven seas. "I've very excited, it's going to be terrific," Bruckheimer began. "We're just working on the screenplay. One of the original writers, Ted Elliot, is helping write it. He has a great command of the characters." So, with a couple of familiar faces in tow, Disney presses on with another entry in the beloved franchise. It's been years since the last installment. But, as Maverick proves, audiences will hunker down for a familiar world if the story is told right. A lot of fans are wondering what shape the movie will take without Johnny Depp attached. But, a reinvigoration might be in order after so much time has passed.

Series star Kevin McNally actually thought the embattled former lead should return to the franchise. Express spoke with the actor about the prospect last year.

"I've never seen a hint of any dark side to Johnny. I see a great humanitarian and a beautiful human being. I don't see any impediment for him coming back and playing Jack Sparrow." McNally said. "I think there was a general feeling that without Jack there is no Pirates franchise. And there's probably a lot of truth in that. But now there have been questions about that, certainly why not have other Pirate films and certainly then why not have Jack back or Jack playing a different part."

Jungle Cruise producer Dany Garcia acknowledged the impact that these films have had. He told Variety that the kind of success over that run is what they were looking for.

"Well I have to tell you, we had, we know that there are big swings in front of us. I mean, you have to look at Pirates of the Caribbean, know what they did, know what the previous Haunted Mansion, those storylines," Garcia offered. "So we felt we could take the premise, the heart, the humor, and add – you know, Walt [Disney] always wanted the tour to be exciting and a little bit of tension in it and a little action, you know, it is the jungle. So we want to lean into that, just turn up the volume and say, 'Okay, let's take it out of our little ride,' and all of a sudden you're in the Amazon, and maybe there's waterfalls and maybe there's a little more danger. It wasn't that hard, we just blew it up big."

E Jonny Depp NON torna...

Dal sito The Disinsider:

Johnny Depp NOT Returning To ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ Franchise

Don’t believe the rumors.

Earlier this morning, the Australian tabloid site Poptopic posted an article quoting an “industry insider close to Disney” with information about a potential new deal being brokered between the House of Mouse and Johnny Depp to have him return to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Shortly after, nearly every major news website in the world took this rumor and ran with it.

Here’s the thing though: Depp isn’t returning. And according to E! a source connected to the actor reportedly told NBC News that “this is made up.”

Some sites are hanging on the fact that both reps for Depp and Disney have yet to respond publicly; however, during his recent, very public defamation case against Amber Heard Depp had no shame in stating that he refused to return to the franchise. During the trial, he told Amber Heard’s attorney he had no desire to reprise the role – even “if Disney came to [him] with $300 million and a million alpacas.“

Now, interestingly enough Poptopic says that Disney is preparing a deal for $301 million – $1 million more than what he was asked about on the record. What are the odds of that? If that doesn’t tell you how nonsensical this rumor is then perhaps this bit of info will: no actor has ever been paid more than $100 million for a single movie. Even Depp was originally paid $90 million for each of his Pirates films amounting to $450 million over the course of 14 years.

While it was also recently revealed he’d closed a deal to appear in a sixth movie and that he was also planning to help co-write the film, some execs believe that there is still a chance he can return. But I think his comments during the trial prove that he’s still not ready to forgive Disney and may never be fully able to.

Depp originally garnered an Academy Award nomination for his portrayal of the iconic Jack Sparrow in the first Pirates of the Caribbean.

The franchise originated with the Pirates of the Caribbean theme ride attraction, which opened at Disneyland in 1967, the last Disney theme park attraction overseen by Walt Disney. The attraction can be found at four Disney theme parks. Since then, it has become a moneymaker, the five films have grossed over $4.5 billion at the worldwide box office. The franchise has also become a revenue booster in video games, merchandise, and more.

While both film projects remain in development, a fun piece of information I shared on The DisInsider Show during our “Rumor of the Week” segment, is that Disney has put a Pirates of the Caribbean Disney+ on the drawing board and are in very early development stages. At this time, I don’t have any further information on this project as it is still in the early stages.

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messaggio 19/12/2022, 23:22
Messaggio #69

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Dal sito The Hollywood Reporter:

Jerry Bruckheimer Claims He Has “Never, Ever Done It for the Money”

The megaproducer has crushed the box office with more original franchises than some studios, from 'Top Gun' to 'Pirates of the Caribbean,' yet, he says of his blockbusters, “I never think they’re going to hit.”


Pirates 6 has gone through so many iterations. Why has it been tough to crack?

Oh God, they’re all hard. I think we’re getting very close on that one, too. We have a very good script. We developed two of them — the one with Margot Robbie and one with a younger cast. The Margot Robbie one needs a little more work. The younger cast one is close. Hopefully we’ll get both of them.

But Robbie said in an interview the project wasn’t happening.

It’s alive for me. It’s alive for Disney. I’m sure she was disappointed it didn’t go first — or maybe not because she’s very busy, so it might be a blessing to push this a bit. We believe we’ll get it made. It’s a very strong story.

Does the recent trial outcome make Johnny Depp somebody a studio like Disney would put front and center again in a Pirates sequel?

You’d have to ask them. I can’t answer that question. I really don’t know. I would love to have him in the movie. He’s a friend, a terrific actor and it’s unfortunate that personal lives creep into everything we do.

Depp has hinted that if he were to return, the film should have a clear ending for his character. But would you ever kill off Jack Sparrow?

You can’t. We tried to kill him. It didn’t work.

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messaggio 27/2/2023, 0:09
Messaggio #70

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Iscritto il: 27/8/2005

Video intervista a Jerry Bruckheimer

Dal sito DeadLine:

Hollywood’s ‘Top Gun’ Jerry Bruckheimer On His Blockbuster Career, His First Oscar Nomination, Eddie Murphy’s Return As Axel Foley, Plus Updates On ‘Bad Boys’, ‘Pirates’, Will Smith And Johnny Depp

Video - Click

If you look up the definition of the word “blockbuster” on Wikipedia it probably has Jerry Bruckheimer’s picture next to it. Now, believe it or not, he has finally received his first Oscar nomination for Top Gun: Maverick, the 36-year-gestating sequel to 1986’s Tom Cruise smash. It is the rare sequel nominated for Best Picture, along with five other nominations.

Bruckheimer joins me for this latest edition of my Deadline video series Behind the Lens to talk about his remarkably successful career in both movies and television, the secret to his success, the status of more sequels to past hits like Beverly Hills Cop, Bad Boys, Pirates of the Caribbean — and even a third Top Gun. He also is candid about working again with Will Smith and Johnny Depp, and his own favorite films in a career that also includes the National Treasure franchise, Armageddon, Black Hawk Down, American Gigolo, Flashdance, Crimson Tide, Con Air, The Rock, Days of Thunder and way too many others to count. On TV he is the man behind the CSI franchise, the new CBS hit Fire Country and numerous others including the long-running reality series The Amazing Race, for which he has a shelf full of Emmys.

There is much to talk about including his feelings about going to the Oscars as a nominee himself at last.

Click on video above to watch our conversation and go “behind the lens” with Jerry Bruckheimer.

Join me every week during Oscar season for a new edition of Behind the Lens.

Ecco cosa dice a proposito dei Pirati dei Caraibi affermando di essere favorevole ad un suo ritorno:

"Johnny è un amico e un artista incredibile, ha attraversato cose nella vita che avremmo sperato che non dovesse affrontare, ma è sempre un attore talentuoso".

Dal sito The Disinsider che riprende la notizia:

Jerry Bruckheimer Says He’d Ask Johnny Depp To Come Back For One More ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’

It’s no secret that Disney wants to make more Pirates of the Caribbean films. Whatever the future of the franchise holds, however, it is unclear if there will ever be another entry with Johnny Deep as a star.

Despite rumors last year that the actor had actually closed a deal to appear in a sixth movie and that he was also planning to help co-write the film, after his very public defamation trial against Amber Heard last year, the actor made it very clear that he would never forgive Disney for the way they publicly distanced themselves from him.

One exec believes that he could make Depp return.

In an interview with Deadline‘s Peter Hammond, legendary Hollywood producer Jerry Bruckheimer revealed that he wouldn’t let cancel culture or any of the events from Depp’s past impact a future working relationship.

At first, he was asked about working with Will Smith again for the recently announced Bad Boys 4, particularly after the fallout from last year’s incident with Chris Rock at the Oscars. He said:

“Will is a fantastic individual. He’s a talented artist. He’s a very caring individual. He’s a friend. I love working with him…I don’t think anybody has escaped life without doing something that they regretted. And obviously, he regretted that moment. He’s talked about it and, and we all make mistakes, but he’s a fabulous artist and a fabulous individual, and you can’t judge them on one small incident. And so fortunately, it was a big incident. But it was a small everybody is watching the world.”

He added that he thought Will was able to recover quickly from the incident because he’s a good person. When asked a similar question about the prospect of working with Depp for one more Pirates of the Caribbean movie, despite his trial and the public’s seemingly mixed perception about him now, Bruckheimer had a very measured response.

He said that he would still reach out to Depp because Johnny was both his friend and “an amazing artist.” Acknowledging that enough time has passed between him, Disney, and Depp, he explained his reasoning by saying, “You go through things in life that you wish you hadn’t done right.”

Depp originally garnered an Academy Award nomination for his portrayal of the iconic Jack Sparrow in the first Pirates of the Caribbean.

The franchise originated with the Pirates of the Caribbean theme ride attraction, which opened at Disneyland in 1967, the last Disney theme park attraction overseen by Walt Disney. The attraction can be found at four Disney theme parks. Since then, it has become a moneymaker, the five films have grossed over $4.5 billion at the worldwide box office. The franchise has also become a revenue booster in video games, merchandise, and more.

While there are currently two Pirates film projects in development at the Walt Disney Company, a fun piece of information we shared on The DisInsider Show during our “Rumor of the Week” segment, is that Disney has put a Pirates of the Caribbean Disney+ series on the drawing board. At this time, we don’t have any further information on this project as it is still in the early stages.

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messaggio 18/3/2023, 21:20
Messaggio #71

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Iscritto il: 27/8/2005

Durante la serata degli Oscar il produttore Jerry Bruckheimer ha riferito che stanno ancora lavorando sulla sceneggiatura e che gli piacerebbe che Johnny Depp sia presente nel film:


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messaggio 4/6/2023, 23:19
Messaggio #72

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Iscritto il: 27/8/2005

Intervista a Sean Bailey, Presidente di Walt Disney Studios, che parla anche un po' del nuovo capitolo dei Pirati dei Caraibi

Da New York Times:

The Man Reimagining Disney Classics for Today’s World


Restarting the five-film “Pirates of the Caribbean” series is another priority, although nothing official has been announced. “We think we have a really good, exciting story that honors the films that have come before but also has something new to say,” Mr. Bailey said. Will the franchise’s problematic star, Johnny Depp, return as Captain Jack Sparrow? “Noncommittal at this point,” Mr. Bailey said, seemingly inching the door open.


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