Tiana - Serie TV tratta da "La Principessa e il Ranocchio", Disney+ |
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Tiana - Serie TV tratta da "La Principessa e il Ranocchio", Disney+ |
5/10/2023, 23:50
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
Una marca di shampoo brasiliana, la Seda, mostra una nuova animazione di Tiana con i capelli sciolti e ricci... guardate che bella!
chissà se che nella serie non possa anche essere così talvolta. Vi piace? Video con l'animazione: Click |
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6/10/2023, 16:05
Top Member Gruppo: Utente Messaggi: 733 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 29/7/2018 |
La trovo davvero bella,anche in generale come idea.
All'inizio pensavo fosse una specie di teaser della serie e sinceramente ero un po' inorridito dall'animazione che non è a livello,per fortuna invece è solo uno spot. Della serie sono super curioso di vedere il regno di Maldonia e dei nuovi look per tiana |
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10/10/2023, 0:04
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
Da Variety:
‘Tiana’ Disney+ Animated Series Sets Joyce Sherri as Lead Writer, Director (EXCLUSIVE) The “Tiana” animated series in the works at Disney+ has enlisted Joyce Sherri as the show’s lead writer and director, Variety has learned exclusively. The musical project was originally announced in 2020 during a Disney investor day. The series has previously been described as a followup to the 2009 animated film “The Princess and the Frog,” which introduced the character of Tiana. Anika Noni Rose will once again provide the voice of Tiana. The series was originally expected to debut in 2023 but is now said to be launching in 2024. Sherri’s most recent TV writing credit was on the Netflix horror miniseries “Midnight Mass” from Mike Flanagan. She has also written and directed short films like “Beauty,” “Forever,” “Down, Down, Baby” and “The Family Romance.” She also won the 2020 Slamdance screenplay competition for her feature, “Sweet Sixteen,” and was selected for the 2021 Sundance Institute Screenwriters Intensive. She is repped by Gersh, Untitled, and Del Shaw Moonves. The official description for “Tiana” states that the show will follow the title character as she “sets off for a grand new adventure as the newly crowned Princess of Maldonia, but a calling to her New Orleans past isn’t far behind.” Walt Disney Animation Studios will produce “Tiana,” as the studio previously made “The Princess and the Frog.” Nathan Curtis will produce, with Jennifer Lee and Stella Meghie executive producing. Meghie was previously attached as the writer and director of the series, but remains onboard as an EP. Disney also previously announced Disney+ series followups to films like “Zootopia,” “Big Hero 6,” “Moana,” and “Cars.” At the time of this publishing, all of those have been released with the exception of “Moana,” though a live-action version of that film is currently in the works. |
10/10/2023, 21:45
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
News - Rumor:
Nella sezione Domande e Risposte del suo programma online, Grace Randolph riporta di aver sentito che Variety ha annunciato che la serie Tiana uscirà su Disney+ nel 2024, mentre lei continua a sostenere di aver sentito che uscirà nel 2025. Inoltre, in risposta ad un'altra domanda, la Randolph afferma che la serie Tiana sarà animata in maniera tradizionale (2D). Ecco il video in cui parla: Click |
11/10/2023, 23:49
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
21/2/2024, 20:43
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
Si torna a parlare della serie più attesa, Tiana...
Ecco un'intervista di sei giorni fa a Joyce Sherri, sceneggiatrice e regista della serie tv: Dal sito NYU: Get to Know Joyce Sherrí (TSOA ’16): Lead Writer and Director for Disney+’s Animated Series Tiana Meet Joyce Sherrí (TSOA ’16) [she/her]—the lead writer and director for the new animated Disney+ series Tiana, based off of the much beloved 2009 movie The Princess and the Frog. “While at NYU I had the opportunity to be a writer, director, producer, assistant director, craft service, location sound mixer, editor, cinematographer, the list goes on. Being in these various roles taught me invaluable lessons about filmmaking, collaborating with others, and what you should and should not do as a leader,” says Joyce Sherrí (TSOA ’16) [she/her] when we asked about her time at Tisch’s graduate film program at NYU. Joyce has taken this series of lessons with her throughout her post-NYU career, as she’s worn various hats within film production, from the writer’s room to the director’s chair. A couple of her latest projects include two Netflix Originals, Midnight Mass, her first writer’s room gig, and The Magic Order, for which Sherrí was a story editor. We caught up with Joyce to talk about what she’s been up to since graduating from NYU’s graduate film program in 2016 and how she ended up in the much coveted role of lead writer and director for the upcoming animated Disney+ series Tiana. Congratulations on being named lead writer and director of the Disney+ animated series Tiana! What was it like learning you got this role? Thank you so much! Like many, I grew up on Disney, so to have the opportunity to add my own creative voice to that legacy is truly a blessing. Leading my own series as writer and director at Disney Animation for Tiana is an exciting new chapter of my journey that I can’t wait to share with the world. It is an absolute dream come true. What has your journey been like as a writer for TV so far and what led you to this point? My career has been both challenging and rewarding. I’ve discovered so much about myself as a writer and director over the years. Each lesson has contributed to nurturing my voice as an artist. Your latest TV writing credit was for the Netflix Original Midnight Mass. What was that experience like and do you have a preference for writing within specific genres, like horror? I always say I’m somewhere between Clueless and The Godfather with the things that I like and because of that I think I can have fun in just about any room. I wrote on Midnight Mass in 2019. It was my first writers room and I value the insights I gained from collaborating with so many unique and talented writers. How did your time at NYU help prepare you for a career in the TV and film industry? Independent filmmaking has its own unique set of challenges but it can also be very rewarding. The grad film program taught me how to make creative decisions on the fly, which fine tuned my creative muscles as a filmmaker. I learned how important it is to know exactly what you want as the visionary of a project and how to invite the talent of your collaborators into that process to achieve that vision. Do you have any other upcoming projects and/or what are some dream projects you’d love to work on one day? Right now, I’m fully immersed in my dream project and pouring all my energy into making it the best it can be. Future me would love to explore more opportunities in fantasy, romance, and horror, and maybe even all three at the same time. What is some advice you have for NYU alumni who are trying to find their place within the TV and film writing world? I won’t pretend that working in this industry is easy. Sometimes being a creative can feel like a slow burn because you’re essentially freelancing for life. But, if your passion is to be a storyteller in this particular medium you’re going to have to be persistent. I would also say don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s. There are so many paths to take in this industry. The true challenge, besides fighting the internal battle on whether or not to give up, is finding the path that works for you. Years ago, I was working on a documentary and a classmate of mine described the documentary process as like putting together a jigsaw puzzle without the full picture as a frame of reference. I think the same could be said about what it’s like trying to find your place as a filmmaker or even as an artist in general. Just remember, Writers write. Directors direct. Unfortunately working really hard on something doesn’t mean it will immediately find its audience. Perhaps it is not the right time. Or perhaps it needs a few more drafts or you need to make another short film or a feature. The point is nothing that you create is a waste of time. So keep creating. There’s always something new to learn about yourself and your creative voice in the process. Now, whether it takes off in one year or ten, is what remains to be seen. You have to build your creative portfolio. Then you take it out to festivals, fellowships, industry connections etc. If it doesn’t take you as far as you wanted, then you set that volume of your portfolio aside and start working on volume 2 or 3 or 20. Keep building until you find whatever your definition of success is. You should network, find your community of writers and filmmakers, and remain open to creating something new and evolving your craft. What is a word or short phrase you would use to describe your experience at NYU? Rigorous yet enriching. |
16/4/2024, 23:31
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
Rumor da Dvdizzy (utente friendoftheotherside ):
Bad news, folks. From what I was told, Tiana won’t be hand-drawn animated. The animation will be similar to Wish, with CGI trying to emulate hand-drawn. At least, all the artwork seems to be gorgeous. And sadly, the series most likely won’t be released this year. The studio is eyeing a 2025 release. On a happier note, the plot of the series will revolve around Tiana becoming queen of Maldonia Traduzione: * la serie di Tiana potrebbe non essere in animazione 2D ma con una tecnica simile a quella di Wish, quindi CGI che cerca di emulare l'animazione tradizionale. Tutti i disegni sembrano essere meravigliosi. * La serie dovrebbe uscire nel 2025. * la storia sarà incentrata su Tiana che diventa Regina di Maldonia. |
17/4/2024, 8:56
Top Member Gruppo: Utente Messaggi: 716 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 10/2/2022 Da: Barletta |
Allora farebbero meglio a non produrla affatto
O in 2D o niente Non posso credere che siano diventati così pigri e fissati con la CGI da non voler usare il 2D nemmeno per una dannata serie TV! Mentre invece la Pixar sta sperimentando ( ho appena letto che in Inside Out 2 ci sarà un personaggio 2D ) |
18/4/2024, 0:30
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
ma piccole cose in 2D ci sono dai tempi di Oceania (tipo mini-Maui) o Raya (il prologo)... ma pure Frozen e Rapunzel avevano piccoli elementi 2D (pensiamo ai disegni sugli abiti per capirci)...
la tecnica Wish per ora è meglio che la usino anche perché sinceramente nei prossimi anni non è in progetto un film con quella tecnica (e crediamo che il flop di Wish abbia contribuito ad accantonarla)... poi ovvio che per Tiana, SE useranno quella tecnica, dovranno renderla anche più simile al cartone animato originario del 2009 come impostazione/palette di colori/setting/design dei personaggi per ora sono rumors comunque... Un altro rumor ve lo riportiamo, sempre da DVDizzy - commento in risposta a quello messo sopra, questa volta a firma di D23ExpoVisitor25: I will suit myself, because the same person, who told me in June 2023 he heard Tiana would be hand-drawn animated because he had friends working on it, just told me this (which I would politely ask of you to keep to yourselves and not share with anyone else)… “So the last I heard it was still going to be in 2D, but computers were being considered to cut down on costs. It wouldn’t exactly look like Wish, but it may looked like Tangled The Series and the Almost There sequence from the movie. Nothing is final final, but don’t be completely surprised if at D23 it looks a bit different than how it originally looked.” Assuming this is true, which I actually feel is the actual truth, I will keep fighting, begging, and advocating damn hard for Disney to keep Tiana hand-drawn animated against all odds. And I don’t stop fighting until I’ve won. Come vedete, qui si dice che lo stile sarà quello in 2D della serie tv Rapunzel solo che mentre là lo stile ricordava i disegni che la Principessa faceva nella torre, per Tiana si riprende il design della sequenza Almost There Vedremo... che ci sia la voglia di farlo maggiormente 2D è vero... che usino l'evoluzione potrebbe essere... finché non si vedrà non si potrà sapere in ogni caso, speriamo che facciano a breve questa serie tv perchè è uno dei progetti più interessanti della sezione Animazione... |
20/4/2024, 18:52
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 10.021 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 9/4/2008 |
Ma la cosa non è che mi faccia impazzire, il tratto del disegno dei primi artwork si sposavano con lo stile del Classico. Che è sta roba di fare un'animazione semplificata come quella della stilizzaziione della sequenza Almost There? Ma davvero c'è qualcuno che apprezza tutto ciò? Artisticamente lo posso capire, però anche Rapunzel non è che fosse sta gran bellezza. Per me molto più alla portata di un pubblico giovane e prescolare, abituato a queste animazioni come nelle serie tv del pomeriggio, a partire dai 2000, come Dexter e le SuperChicche per intenderci, non certo come me, cresciuto con Disney e al più gli anime come Candy e Sailor Moon.
1/5/2024, 23:23
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
Rumor: Che la serie tv diventi anche in questo caso un film al cinema?
Dal sito The Disinsider: "What’s the status of Tiana tv show? do you think for next 4 – 5 years, Disney Animation will do other adaptations of classic tales (I remember the rumored Princess and the Pea) or only sequels? This project has had many hurdles, COVID-19, script rewrites, and crew changes. Now, we are the heels of a Princess and the Frog renaissance with Tiana’s Bayou Adventure getting set to open at the Magic Kingdom and Disneyland Resort. Well, to add some new fuel to the fire, I was told just last month that the Tiana series may receive the same fate as the Moana series and instead be reworked as Princess and the Frog 2. As of now, that should be taken with a grain of salt." Vi piacerebbe? Forse sarebbe l'unico progetto sequel che approveremmo in pieno... e riporterebbe l'animazione 2D al cinema... lo faranno davvero? sinceramente tra tante robacce animate sarebbe la cosa più interessante che potrebbe uscire fuori... ma dubitiamo che rendano quel trattamento, la disney si fissa solo su determinate proprietà e non crediamo che Tiana sia una di quelle (nonostante la protagonista afroamericana potrebbe costituire un modo per lanciare davvero nel franchise una ragazza nera e se facessero un film su Tiana umana forse la principessa avrebbe maggior appeal nel merchandising)... |
2/5/2024, 6:38
Top Member Gruppo: Utente Messaggi: 716 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 10/2/2022 Da: Barletta |
Rumor: Che la serie tv diventi anche in questo caso un film al cinema? Dal sito The Disinsider: "What’s the status of Tiana tv show? do you think for next 4 – 5 years, Disney Animation will do other adaptations of classic tales (I remember the rumored Princess and the Pea) or only sequels? This project has had many hurdles, COVID-19, script rewrites, and crew changes. Now, we are the heels of a Princess and the Frog renaissance with Tiana’s Bayou Adventure getting set to open at the Magic Kingdom and Disneyland Resort. Well, to add some new fuel to the fire, I was told just last month that the Tiana series may receive the same fate as the Moana series and instead be reworked as Princess and the Frog 2. As of now, that should be taken with a grain of salt." Vi piacerebbe? Forse sarebbe l'unico progetto sequel che approveremmo in pieno... e riporterebbe l'animazione 2D al cinema... lo faranno davvero? sinceramente tra tante robacce animate sarebbe la cosa più interessante che potrebbe uscire fuori... ma dubitiamo che rendano quel trattamento, la disney si fissa solo su determinate proprietà e non crediamo che Tiana sia una di quelle (nonostante la protagonista afroamericana potrebbe costituire un modo per lanciare davvero nel franchise una ragazza nera e se facessero un film su Tiana umana forse la principessa avrebbe maggior appeal nel merchandising)... Da un lato sono d’accordo con voi, sarebbe un buon tentativo di dare un’altra chance al personaggio, ma dall’altro rilanciare nuovamente il 2D con Tiana e con un sequel anch’esso riciclato da una serie TV non mi sembra la cosa migliore ( per non parlare del fatto che già all’epoca ci furono polemiche per il semplice fatto che la protagonista fosse nera, figuriamoci adesso che la Disney si è incollata addosso la reputazione di essere woke e politicamente corretta a tutti i costi facendo allontanare il pubblico, io ho il timore che proporre l’ennesimo personaggio etnico, anche se noto, potrebbe avere effetti devastanti ) Per me il rilancio del 2D deve avvenire con una storia pensata fin dal principio per il cinema, una bella fiaba classica solenne che mostri davvero tutte le potenzialità dell’animazione tradizionale, come dite sempre anche voi |
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2/5/2024, 10:37
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 10.021 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 9/4/2008 |
Se Oceania 2 funzionerà, garantito che anche questa verrà riconvertita in Classico e non mi dispiacerebbe di base, poi dipende la resa stilistica (no Rapunzel style please) e la sceneggiatura.
2/5/2024, 14:27
Top Member Gruppo: Utente Messaggi: 733 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 29/7/2018 |
Non sarei contrariato all'idea, sperando in uno bello stile.
Ma se volessero fare uno stile 2D misto CGI non potrebbero usare quello del corto sul soldatino di piombo di Fantasia 2000? Me lo sto chiedendo anche da Wish ,li i personaggi sembrano davvero in 2d,mi piace molto la resa finale non capisco perché non l'hanno utilizzata di più. L'unica cosa che mi dispiacerebbe è che se diventasse anche questo un film, significa che per almeno 5 anni non ci saranno nuovi classici,e mi sembra deprimente... |
2/5/2024, 23:48
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
sinceramente avrebbero dovuto dare priorità a Tiana piuttosto che a Oceania 2 o Zootropolis 2 o ancora Encanto 2...
se facessero Tiana a film andrebbe anche bene, è vero che sarà un altro sequel ma intanto ormai fanno solo quelli, quindi almeno Tiana avrebbe ragion d'essere più di tanti altri e lo accetteremmo volentieri Quanto alla tecnica CGI/2D del Soldatino di Piombo di Fantasia 2000, quella era la tecnica che inizialmente pensarono per Rapunzel e Frozen (al tempo La Regina delle Nevi) nel 2000 poi però la forza di Shrek fece cambiare tutti i piani e poco alla volta stravolsero tutto, seppure la tecnica elaborata inizialmente per Rapunzel (quella pittorica della versione dark di Keane e Wellins) aveva molto di quell'idea mista 2D/CGI ovviamente evoluta |
25/5/2024, 12:42
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
Dal sito Broad Walk Time:
Do you think we will get an update from the Tiana series/movie at D23 this year? Skyler: Oh yes, be ready for that announcement this Summer. E sempre dal medesimo sito: How much would Moana 2 have to make at the worldwide box office to push Disney to turn Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Disney+ Tiana series into The Princess and the Frog 2 for the big screen with enough money for a big budget to make it fully 2D/hand-drawn animated? Skyler: Disney already knows what it wants to do with Tiana/Princess and the Frog 2, it doesn't need Moana 2 to help with that decision. |
10/6/2024, 22:26
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
Da X:
Drew @DrewDisneyDude: Disney just confirmed that Tiana’s story will continue with “Tiana” as a show on Disney+ after the events of Tiana’s Bayou Adventure. This was the first time the show has officially been mentioned in a long time. No release timeframe was shared. #ThisIsMagic #WaltDisneyWorld Traduzione: Tiana è stata menzionata durante la conferenza stampa a Walt Disney World, in occasione del panel sulla nuova attrazione Tiana's Bayou Adventure . La Disney ha confermato che Tiana rimarrà una serie per Disney+ , la cui storia si svolgerà dopo gli eventi di Tiana's Bayou Adventure . Tuttavia, nessuna data è stata condivisa. |
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5/7/2024, 21:32
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
Dal sito Gizmodo:
Tiana’s Bayou Adventure Breaks 87 Years of a Weird Disney Princess Canon Imagineers confirm that the Walt Disney World ride is official mythology for The Princess and the Frog. Over the past few days Disney fans who have managed to ride Tiana’s Bayou Adventure at Walt Disney World have been among the first to experience the continuation of Tiana’s fairytale after the events 2009’s The Princess and the Frog. The ride itself serves as a sequel in attraction form, where guests follow Tiana and friends as they put together a band for their Mardi Gras celebration. But there are so many more details revealed even before you board the flume water ride for fans of the beloved Disney film. One of the biggest official reveals is that unlike the Disney Princesses that came before her—even as far back as Snow White—New Orleans’ very own princess has a real last name. In the queue for Walt Disney World’s attraction, fans have noticed that Tiana is referred to as Tiana Rogers, daughter of Sargent James Rogers, in newspaper clippings and cooking awards for Tiana’s Palace and Tiana’s Foods (her culinary co-op). And this was intentional, Disney Imagineer Ted Robledo shared: “There’s so much of her story that was touched upon in the film, the relationship with her father, a World War I veteran; her relationship with her mother, [who] we like to say was the entrepreneurial inspiration for her to be the successful businesswoman that Tiana is today in our story.” The fairytale fandom has been very tricky when it comes to the Disney Princess lineup and their official titles. Technically Rapunzel could have taken Eugene Fitzherbert’s name—but it’s never canonized in Disney content, much like the other married princesses including Snow White or Cinderella (can the real Mrs. Charming please stand up?). Even in the case of The Princess and the Frog, Tiana did marry Prince Naveen of Maldonia, which would make her Tiana Rogers, Princess of Maldonia, since she clearly kept her father’s name to honor him with her successful food company in New Orleans. “Tiana’s story is going to be furthered in a new series that was announced,” Robledo continued, confirming that Disney Imagineers worked closely with Disney animation to keep within canon on Tiana’s Bayou Adventure as the studio prepares for her Disney Plus series Tiana, which will dig a little deeper with what’s next for the princess and her family. The series will focus on things like, “Her relationship with her husband, who is from another country of likely of mixed race. It’s a time of Indigenous people and colonization. I think that team, from what little we heard, is going to explore that route. But I will say this about Naveen: we knew early on, and even if Naveen plays a small role or big role in this story, he has a role—they’re a married couple, they care about each other. So to honor that, we want to make sure he’s included somewhere in a real way. And actually, it’s quite humorous, as this little performance of our story.” We can’t wait to see Tiana and Naveen return with more adventures down in New Orleans with Disney+ series Tiana, but for now going on bayou log boat rides will do at Disney Parks. Tiana’s Bayou Adventure is now open at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL and is set to open soon at Disneyland in Anaheim, CA. Traduzione: * Tiana ha un cognome che è Rogers (è il secondo personaggio, tra i membri "reali" della Disney ad avere un cognome, dopo Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert in Rapunzel). * La serie tv è ambientata dopo le vicende dell'attrazione Tiana's Bayou Adventure * La serie si concentra sul rapporto tra Tiana e Naveen ormai sposati, sulla relazione tra la Principessa suo marito quindi, marito che proviene da un altro paese ed è di razza mista. È ambientata in un periodo di indigeni e colonizzazione e verrà esplorato questo aspetto. E ci sarà anche il ritorno della coppia a New Orleans. Quindi sarà ambientato nel Regno di Maldonia e New Orleans. |
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6/7/2024, 14:23
Top Member Gruppo: Utente Messaggi: 733 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 29/7/2018 |
Speriamo che al d23 mostrino qualcosa,sono passati 4 anni da quando è stata annunciata,sta passando troppo tempo.
Speriamo che ci sia anche un nuovo villain e che ci facciano vedere il palazzo reale di maldonia Messaggio modificato da Under the sea il 6/7/2024, 14:25 |
12/7/2024, 0:00
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
Eccoti accontentato Under The Sea!
Dal sito D23: Sunday, August 11 10:00 am - 11:00 am Premiere Stage Disney Princess: Creating Tiana’s World Join Anika Noni Rose (voice of Tiana), Tiana series director Joyce Sherrí, and creative executive Carmen Smith for an inspiring conversation as we peek into all the ways Tiana’s iconic story and vibrant world continue to be brought to life. La presentazione della serie sarà il giorno 11 agosto e parteciperanno Anika Noni Rose (voce di Tiana), la regista Joyce Sherri e la creatrice esecutiva Carmen Smith. |
12/7/2024, 10:54
Top Member Gruppo: Utente Messaggi: 733 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 29/7/2018 |
Speriamo che ci mostrino qualche immagine o un teaser
9/8/2024, 22:30
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
Ecco lo stand dedicato a Tiana al D23 Expo:
E qui da DVDizzy Forum, un utente, D23ExpoVisitor25 ha incontrato Jennifer Lee al D23 e ha chiesto di Tiana: Day 1 of the Disney D23 Ultimate Fan Event’s off to a great start for me. How? Two words: Jennifer Lee. The president of Walt Disney Animation Studios, who I got a pic with. I also asked her about the #Tiana series for #DisneyPlus, if it would be hand-drawn animated and if we’ll learn more on it at Disney’s Entertainment Showcase tonight at the Honda Center. All she would tell me is that “not tonight, at least not all of it,” but they also told me they would go into “more depth” on that this weekend at the Creating Tiana’s World panel on Sunday, which I luckily got a reservation for. So, let’s hope good things come from #Tiana. |
12/8/2024, 22:29
Gold Member Gruppo: Moderatore Messaggi: 23.248 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 27/8/2005 |
Presentazione domenica 11 agosto al D23 della serie tv di Tiana, e la regista ha annunciato che vedremo il Regno (europeo) di Maldonia!
Tiana scoprirà che il mondo è molto più magico di quanto pensasse e diventerà una vera leader, imparerà ad esserlo perchè dovrà governare il Regno di Maldonia, essendo chiamata al trono... Dal sito Screen Rant: Princess & The Frog Spinoff Show Story Details Tease More Of Tiana's Future & Maldonia * Lead writer Joyce Sherri shares details of Princess and the Frog sequel show, spotlighting the future of Tiana's journey. * Sherri points out that viewers haven't even seen Maldonia, her new kingdom, yet. * Anika Noni Rose will reprise her role as Tiana in the TV series, with a release date still pending. The lead writer of The Princess and the Frog spinoff show shares story details at D23, teasing Tiana's future. Released in 2009, and from co-directors John Musker and Ron Clements, who wrote the screenplay with Rob Edwards, the fantasy film garnered positive reviews. It also had the distinction of being Disney’s most successful traditionally animated film since 2002's Lilo & Stitch. It grossed $271 million at the worldwide box office and earned two Oscar nominations, including for Best Animated Feature. Back in December 2020, a Princess and the Frog television series was announced. During the D23 Fan Expo's "Tiana's World" panel over the weekend, with Screen Rant in attendance, lead writer Joyce Sherri pulled back the curtain on some of what to expect from the Princess and the Frog sequel show. Sherri, who also directs the project which is currently in production, spoke enthusiastically about how the upcoming series will track more of Tiana's journey and also spotlight the fictional European country of Maldonia. Read the full quote below: Well, Tiana's journey is far from over. Of all the things that she has going on now, I think that I'm most excited about showing Tiana learning that the world is a lot bigger than she realized. That magic is - there's a lot more magical things happening in the world than she realized, and learning what it is to be a leader. Not just as a leader of her restaurant, but she's a princess now of the whole place of Maldonia, we haven't even seen Maldonia yet! And what that means for her, and the impact that she has on the community around her, and how does she maintain her Tiana-ness, like who she is as an individual, with all these new expectations on her life. And so with the help of all of her friends, and the people that love and care about and support her, I'm really looking forward to having her discover those things, and to see what the next chapter of her life [is]. And the thing that she'll discover, that life, just like everything else in your dreams, can evolve, depending on what are the things you have in your life and the things that you want for yourself and the new discoveries that you might find, with the new magical situation she might find herself in for the series. But yeah, I'm really excited for you all to see it, it's amazing. What Else Is Known About The Princess & The Frog Show? A First-Look Image Was Revealed Almost Three Years Ago The spinoff, which was announced with the title of Tiana, has been on a somewhat slower journey to reach audiences. A first-look image of the Princess and the Frog spinoff show was unveiled in November 2021. It showed the titular character, Tiana, smiling brightly and seemingly running while on a ship. It's been confirmed that Anika Noni Rose, who voiced Tiana in the movie, will reprise her role in the TV series. The sequel has had different release windows. At one point, it was scheduled to be released in 2022. That was later moved to 2023, and then to 2024. However, Tiana is currently only listed as a project that is coming soon, without a specific date attached. Still, given that the show had a spot at the D23 event, the plans to release Tiana are still very much alive and well. There have also been some discussions about a possible live-action adaptation of The Princess and The Frog. But as it stands, there is nothing official in the works. It's a likely outcome, considering Disney's success in the live-action space, but it seems the next step is to get the sequel show in front of audiences. |
13/8/2024, 1:07
Top Member Gruppo: Utente Messaggi: 733 Thanks: * Iscritto il: 29/7/2018 |
Sempre più curioso per questa serie, speriamo sia davvero pensata e soprattutto di qualità!
Sono sorpreso dal fatto che abbiano mantenuto l'ambientazione Europea del regno di Maldonia(cosa che inizialmente era,se non sbaglio mi ricordo avesse un'ispirazione italiana),pensavo l'avessero spostato nel nord africa o nel medioriente |
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